The Bishop’s Poster Competition

Wandesforde National School had 2 winners in The Bishop’s Poster Competition this year. The theme of the competition was “We are Easter People”. Congratulations to Kelsey Roe in Junior Infants who achieved 1st Prize in the competition. Here is her winning entry on Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on a donkey! Our second winner was Owen Stewart…

Minibeasts in the Infant Classroom

Junior & Senior Infants have been busy learning about Minibeasts in SESE. The story of “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” was a big hit with the children so they made their own booklet of the story as well as their own “very hungry caterpillars” out of egg cartons!! As the children were learning about caterpillars, they were also taught about the lifecycle of…

Art in the Middle Classroom

We love to do art in our classroom and over the past few weeks we have completed activities with clay, paint and collage.  Have a look at our lovely work… We made funny creatures with funny faces… We made nature pictures using natural materials from our world… We learned about primary and secondary colours and…

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“The Willow Pattern”

In 1st, 2nd & 3rd Class, we read a story called “The Story of the Willow Pattern” by Allan Drummond.  It is a story of a rich girl called Koong-Shee who lived in China and fell in love with a poor boy called Chang.  Her father was not very happy so they ran away.  Do…

Pottery Lessons in the Infant Classroom

On Tuesday, 10th May 2011, Hilary Jenkinson, a local potter, visited Wandesforde National School to teach the children how to work with clay and make pottery. In the Infant Classroom, the children made their own name plates out of clay. They had great fun working with the clay and designing their own name plate. Here are…