• Physical Education

Physical Education

Physical Education is taught by the class teacher for 1 hour each week. The children are very fortunate to have other coaches and experts visit the school to teach soccer and basketball. We also attend swimming for a period of 8-10 weeks in the Summer term.

Fun and Friendship in the Junior Room

Date posted: 7th December 2023 | Category Blog, Class Work, Drama, Geography, History, Junior Classroom, Mathematics, Our Work on Display, Physical Education, Science, SPHE, Visual Arts |

We’ve been as busy as ever in the Junior Room over the last few weeks. Our Play topic was houses and homes. We had fun building houses, apartment blocks, terraced houses and bungalows in Construction, Small World, Junk Art, Play Doh, Sand and completing puzzles and games at the writing area.

We also learned about items that use electricity in our homes.

Continuing on the theme of houses we read the story of The Three Little Pigs and sequenced it. We also drew and painted pigs in art.

Also in art we made pots out of clay. We left them to dry and then painted them nice, bright colours.

We spent an interesting morning learning all about rocks with heritage expert Una Halpin.

In SPHE we learned about being a good friend to others and drew pictures of us playing with friends.

In Maths Junior Infants were learning all about items that are heavy and light.

Finally we continue to learn dancing each week and are looking forward to showing off all our moves at Christmas for you!

Date posted: 7th December 2023 | Category Blog, Class Work, Drama, Geography, History, Junior Classroom, Mathematics, Our Work on Display, Physical Education, Science, SPHE, Visual Arts |

It’s a Sunny Summer Term in the Junior Room!

Date posted: 23rd June 2023 | Category Blog, Class Work, English, GAA, Geography, Junior Classroom, Our Work on Display, Physical Education, School Outings, Science, Visual Arts |

We’ve had lots to keep us busy during the Summer Term in the Junior Room! We went on our school tour to Activate in Waterford.

Our butterflies each hatched from their chrysalis and we released them in the school grounds.

We learned all about the seaside and water. We discovered what it was like to work as a lighthouse keeper years ago, designed our own colourful lighthouses, learned information about sharks and drew sharks, finally we heard the story of The Children of Lir and drew our favourite part of the story.

Continuing on the theme of water we conducted experiments to see what items float and sink and recorded our results. We also made colourful jellyfish in art.

We enjoyed having our teddies in school for a Teddy Bears’ Picnic and eating ice cream as a treat too!

We continue to learn GAA each week and went on a mini beast hunt around our school grounds. We found a snail, butterflies, ants and woodlice!

In English Junior Infants were working hard learning Tricky Words, making them from Play Doh as well as identifying them on worksheets. Senior Infants wrote about their favourite memory from the year.

Wishing everyone a happy and relaxing Summer Break! See you at the end of August 🙂

Date posted: 23rd June 2023 | Category Blog, Class Work, English, GAA, Geography, Junior Classroom, Our Work on Display, Physical Education, School Outings, Science, Visual Arts |

Summer Activities in the Senior Room!

Date posted: 22nd June 2023 | Category Blog, Class Work, English, Geography, History, Irish, Our Work on Display, Physical Education, School Outings, Science, Senior Classroom, Sports, Visual Arts | Tagged , , , , , , |

The summer holidays are here! It has been a busy May and June in the Senior Room between the school tour, ice-cream in the sun, amazing projects and sports day. Have a look at a snippet of what we have been up to!

The children created some wonderful art pieces this term. Look at these colourful woven rainbows!

The children also created some stained glass butterflies to brighten up the classroom windows.

The boys and girls in 4th, 5th & 6th created some fantastic Crazy Hair Self-Portraits inspired by the artwork of Jackson Pollock. The children had great fun experimenting with the art technique of blow painting with straws to add the crazy hair to their portraits.

The children also worked with clay to create a decorative tile with their initial.

In History, the children learnt all about World War 2. They then created artwork to illustrate “The Blitz” which they had read and discussed.

In SESE with Mrs Joyce, the children learnt all about the causes and migrations of famine. The children also carried out a survey to identify the senior classrooms carbon footprint. The class also discussed and identified simple measures they can take to help reduce their carbon footprint in the future.

On Thursday, 25th May, we went on our school tour to “Activate” in Waterford. We had a great day filled with lots of fun and activity.

Then in English, we wrote all about our school tour.

We also explored Explanation Writing in English. The children wrote some fantastic explanations which were very informative to read!

In Maths, 4th class explored the topic of 3D shapes. They made a variety of different 3D shapes using lollipop sticks and blue-tack.

We also looked at symmetry in Maths and found real life examples of symmetry in the world around us. The children completed summer themed symmetrical drawings.

In Gaeilge, the children wrote some fantastic short stories based on the title ‘Buachaillí Dána’.

The children also researched, prepared and presented projects on a topic of their choice in the final term. A huge amount of effort went into each project and I want to say a big well done to everyone!

To mark and celebrate the end of primary school for the boys and girls of 6th class, we took a trip to The Discovery Park and enjoyed some 99’s in the sun! It was a well deserved treat!

It has been an absolute pleasure to teach 4th, 5th & 6th class the past 6 months. I wish everyone the best of luck next year, particularly the pupils of 6th class as the progress onto secondary school. I hope everyone enjoys a well deserved break over the summer!

Best Wishes, Miss Delaney.

Date posted: 22nd June 2023 | Category Blog, Class Work, English, Geography, History, Irish, Our Work on Display, Physical Education, School Outings, Science, Senior Classroom, Sports, Visual Arts | Tagged , , , , , , |

Sports’ Day 2023!

Date posted: 19th June 2023 | Category Blog, Physical Education, Sport, Sports |

On Monday, 19th June , we had our sports’ day in the school grounds. The weather was lovely but not too hot! The day started off with simple races…

The hurdles were next up!

The children then participated in the egg and spoon race!

We all enjoyed an ice-cream at break-time. Thank you to Jackie and Derry Neale for buying these ice-creams for the whole school!

Next up was the three-legged race! There were a few falls and lots of giggles!

Our last race was the sack race!

Each child received a medal for their efforts on the day!

Well done boys and girls! We hope you enjoyed the day!

Date posted: 19th June 2023 | Category Blog, Physical Education, Sport, Sports |

A Great Start to the New Year in the Senior Room!

Date posted: 21st February 2023 | Category Blog, Class Work, English, Fundraising Activities, Geography, History, Hurling, Our Work on Display, Physical Education, Religious Education, Science, Senior Classroom, SPHE, Visual Arts |

The boys and girls in 4th, 5th & 6th have begun the year by looking back on all that they have achieved and done in 2022. We also discussed our hopes and wishes for the year ahead.

In English, we read some of Aesop’s Fables. We then wrote our own fables which included an important moral or lesson.

We looked at the writing genre of recount writing and the children wrote some fantastic diary entries.

The class has begun reading the novel ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar. We drew predictions of what we anticipate happening in the story based on the title, front cover and blurb.

In History, we learnt about Aboriginal people of Australia. Art is very important part of Aboriginal culture. Inspired by their artwork and it’s role in storytelling, the class created their own Aboriginal Dot Paintings.

Look at how great they turned out!

In SPHE, the children explored the topic of Healthy Living. The children designed a healthy meal based on their knowledge of the food pyramid and importance of eating a balanced diet.

In SESE, the children explored the topic of Forces with Mrs. Joyce. They carried out many different experiments and investigations. The children looked at the influence of gravity and how it allows a hammer attached to a ruler by sting, to hang without falling.

They also carried out a ‘Paper Helicopter Investigation’ to discover how the shape and design of the paper helicopter affects the way it falls to the ground.

On the 1st of February, we celebrated St. Brigid’s Day.

In Religious Education, we learned about the life and work of St. Brigid. After, we designed and decorated her cloak using various pieces of fabric.

In PE, the children explored and practiced the skills needed for hurling/camogie.

The children enjoyed learning about the life and work of American artist, James Dine and created their own art in response to all they had learnt.

To celebrate St. Valentines day, we created some beautiful cards for our loved ones…

We also spoke and wrote about love…

To raise money for Heart Children Ireland, we dressed up in red for the day! Thank you to everyone for their support of this great cause!

Finally, the whole school enjoyed the Pancake Party on Tuesday, 21st of February. A massive thank you to Mrs. Dooley, Mrs. Power and the 6th class boys who prepared and served the pancakes to everyone.

Well done to all the boys and girls on a great start to 2023!

Date posted: 21st February 2023 | Category Blog, Class Work, English, Fundraising Activities, Geography, History, Hurling, Our Work on Display, Physical Education, Religious Education, Science, Senior Classroom, SPHE, Visual Arts |