• Middle Classroom

Middle Classroom

The 1st, 2nd and 3rd class pupils are taught by Mrs. Peavoy. We love to do art and craft, play sports and sing songs. Our favourite activity is baking! Here we are baking oatmeal raisin cookies. Everyone loves to help out mixing, weighing and of course eating them!

Merry Christmas from the Middle Room!

Date posted: 24th December 2023 | Category Blog, Christmas, Class Work, English, Middle Classroom, Religious Education, Visual Arts |

It has once again been such a busy few weeks in the build up to Christmas! The boys and girls have been working so hard in all subject areas! We were delighted to have Úna Halpin in to talk about rocks and minerals. The children had lots of time to explore the samples that Úna brought.

The children have been doing dance with Lisa over the past few weeks and performed so well for all the Mums and Dads at the school after the Carol Service!

In Visual Arts, we learned about the life and work of Vincent Van Gogh and created our own “Sunflowers” inspired pictures.

We also did some printing and created pictures of the things we like and placed them inside our own head templates.

In English, we read Roald Dahl’s book “George’s Marvellous Medicine”. The children really enjoyed it and completed a book report on it.

We also read a poem called “Once There was a Snowman” and learned about the verbs, nouns and adjectives in the poem.

We also worked on our listening skills and drew characters…

The children were so lucky to have a Mum in our school, Gamze, decorate Christmas cookies with all the children. They had so much fun! Thank you Gamze!

Here is some of the lovely Christmas art that we enjoyed doing….

Merry Christmas everyone from 1st, 2nd and 3rd class!

Date posted: 24th December 2023 | Category Blog, Christmas, Class Work, English, Middle Classroom, Religious Education, Visual Arts |

Autumn and Halloween Fun in the Middle Room!

Date posted: 1st November 2023 | Category Blog, Class Work, English, Geography, Hallowe'en, History, Irish, Mathematics, Middle Classroom, Music, Science, Visual Arts |

We have had a really busy start to the new school year and have been learning lots in 1st, 2nd and 3rd class! Have a look at what we have been up to!

In English, we wrote all out ourselves and the things we enjoy doing…

We wrote about our Summer holidays and all the fun things we did!

We painted pictures of our happy memories from the Summer holidays…

In Gaeilge, we learned and wrote about “Mé Féin” or Myself…

We drew our self-portraits in Art…

We designed very cool family crests depicting things that are important in our lives…

We designed Hot-Air Balloons with us inside them!

In Science and Geography, we looked at various buildings around the world, the materials they were made from and then designed our own “Dream Houses”!

In Music we listened and responded to “Carnival of the Animals” by Camille Saint-Saens…

We were delighted to welcome local Historian Michael Moylan to the school in October to teach the children about “The Vikings” and other parts of History. The children had so much fun dressing up in various costumes, trying on armour and holding weapons from years ago!

We then learned about the season of Autumn, the changes that occur and did lots of art and writing about it…

We went on a Nature walk to the Discovery Park…

We learned about the traditions of Halloween and created some spooky art!

We tasted some delicious báirín breac and one lucky pupil found the “fáinne”!!

We read a poem called “The Pumpkin” by Oliver Brennan and identified nouns, verbs and adjectives in the poem…

The children in 2nd class learned about symmetry in Maths and completed great work and pictures in this subject area…

On the last day of school, we dressed up as some spooky creatures! We hope you all enjoy the mid-term break!

Well done on all your hard work boys and girls!

Date posted: 1st November 2023 | Category Blog, Class Work, English, Geography, Hallowe'en, History, Irish, Mathematics, Middle Classroom, Music, Science, Visual Arts |

Summer Fun in the Middle Room!

Date posted: 21st June 2023 | Category Blog, Class Work, English, Middle Classroom, Our Work on Display, School Outings, Science, SPHE, Visual Arts |

The final term in Wandesforde National School has been a very busy one! The boys and girls in the middle room have been learning so much over the past few months! Have a look at what we have been up to!

In Science, we have been learning all about the lifecycle of the butterfly. We were very lucky to get caterpillars and watch them grow through the various stages to become butterflies!

We then released the butterflies into our school garden, for the lifecycle to begin all over again!

We wrote about the lifecycle of the butterfly, read stories about butterflies and designed our own butterflies also!

On Thursday, 25th May, we went on our school tour to “Activate” in Waterford. We had so much fun!

We then wrote about our fun day in English…

In English, we read the story of “The Willow Pattern” and painted our own version of the pattern on paper plates…

In Science, we also explored magnetism, looking at various items to predict and record if they were magnetic or if magnets worked through them…

In SPHE, we designed flowers with our strengths and also discussed sun safety, especially with all this lovely, warm weather that we are having at the moment…

We learned about warm and cool colours in Visual Arts and created lizards in the grass using either warm or cool colours…

Next year’s first class visited us on 1st June and we all made “Jellyfish” …

We made cards for our Dads for Father’s Day. We love our Dads to the moon and back!

We really enjoyed the ice-creams on sports’ day to cool us down!

Ms. Cahill did lovely guided drawing with the children. Look at these delicious ice-creams…

Well done to you all 1st, 2nd and 3rd class on all your hard work over the past few months! I hope you all have a well earned rest over the Summer!

Date posted: 21st June 2023 | Category Blog, Class Work, English, Middle Classroom, Our Work on Display, School Outings, Science, SPHE, Visual Arts |

Spring and Easter in the Middle Room!

Date posted: 1st April 2023 | Category Blog, Class Work, Easter, English, Geography, History, Middle Classroom, Religious Education, Science, Visual Arts |

It’s hard to believe we are all on Easter holidays for 2 weeks. It has been so busy in 1st, 2nd and 3rd class over the past number of weeks! The children have focused on the topic of Spring through literacy activities…We wrote about this season and the new life we see all around us!

We read and decorated the poem “Daffodils” by William Wordsworth…

The children researched a variety of topics for projects and presented them to the class. They did such a wonderful job and put a lot of effort into them! Here are some of the projects on display:)

We learned about St. Patrick and made rainbows using our handprints…

We also wrote about what we would do if we found a pot of gold!

To mark Mothering Sunday, we made bookmarks and decorations for the very important female people in our lives…

We went to the Discovery Park during “Wellness Week” and had so much fun!

We looked at the life and works of Pablo Picasso and recreated our own Picasso inspired art…

We learned about Easter and wrote Acrostic poems and made Easter wreaths….

Ms. McGrath created fantastic little figures with the class to show that our bodies can express feelings too…Don’t these look great?

Wishing you all a very Happy Easter from 1st, 2nd and 3rd class pupils!

Date posted: 1st April 2023 | Category Blog, Class Work, Easter, English, Geography, History, Middle Classroom, Religious Education, Science, Visual Arts |

Wellness Week in Wandesforde!

Date posted: 16th March 2023 | Category Blog, Class Work, Junior Classroom, Middle Classroom, Senior Classroom |

This week was wellness week in Wandesforde NS. We had a week of activities to promote wellness in different areas: eating healthily, exercising, becoming aware of nature, taking time to relax and expressing our individuality.

On Monday we had fruit kebabs and smoothies, kindly prepared by members of our Parent’s Association.

On Tuesday we went on a nature walk to the Discovery Park and had some time to play in the playground as well.

Wednesday focused on exercise, we had GAA practice as well as extra play time at lunch.

Finally on Thursday we had a non-uniform day where we all wore our own clothes showing how we all express ourselves differently and are all unique!

During the week there was no homework so that we could practice some of these things at home too and take some time out for ourselves.

Date posted: 16th March 2023 | Category Blog, Class Work, Junior Classroom, Middle Classroom, Senior Classroom |