SPHE (Social, Personal and Health Education) is taught to all children. It is integrated with Religious Education and Assembly on a weekly basis. Moral values and good practices are promoted in these lessons.

Fun and Friendship in the Junior Room

Date posted: 7th December 2023 | Category Blog, Class Work, Drama, Geography, History, Junior Classroom, Mathematics, Our Work on Display, Physical Education, Science, SPHE, Visual Arts |

We’ve been as busy as ever in the Junior Room over the last few weeks. Our Play topic was houses and homes. We had fun building houses, apartment blocks, terraced houses and bungalows in Construction, Small World, Junk Art, Play Doh, Sand and completing puzzles and games at the writing area.

We also learned about items that use electricity in our homes.

Continuing on the theme of houses we read the story of The Three Little Pigs and sequenced it. We also drew and painted pigs in art.

Also in art we made pots out of clay. We left them to dry and then painted them nice, bright colours.

We spent an interesting morning learning all about rocks with heritage expert Una Halpin.

In SPHE we learned about being a good friend to others and drew pictures of us playing with friends.

In Maths Junior Infants were learning all about items that are heavy and light.

Finally we continue to learn dancing each week and are looking forward to showing off all our moves at Christmas for you!

Date posted: 7th December 2023 | Category Blog, Class Work, Drama, Geography, History, Junior Classroom, Mathematics, Our Work on Display, Physical Education, Science, SPHE, Visual Arts |

Happy Halloween from 4th, 5th & 6th Class!

Date posted: 30th October 2023 | Category Blog, Class Work, English, Hallowe'en, Our Work on Display, Senior Classroom, SPHE, Visual Arts |

As always, the children engaged in lots of Halloween activities in the lead up to our Halloween Holidays!

We made some spooky spider web patterns in Art

In Gaeilge, the children learned some new vocabulary relating to Oíche Shamhna.

The children made their own Positivity Potions in SPHE by drawing and writing in activities and aspects of their lives that help make them feel good!

We all dressed up “spooktacularly” in costume on the day of the Halloween Holidays!

In English, the children played Spelling Battleship with a partner using some Halloween words. They had great fun taking turns and trying to find & sink each other’s spelling battleships!

We ate some Halloween Barmbrack and the ring was found too!

Finally, the children made their own Haunted House Silhouette using crayons and paint. Didn’t they do amazing work?!

Happy Halloween Everybody! Enjoy your well deserved Mid-Term Break 🙂

Date posted: 30th October 2023 | Category Blog, Class Work, English, Hallowe'en, Our Work on Display, Senior Classroom, SPHE, Visual Arts |

Senior Classroom Autumn Activities!

Date posted: 30th October 2023 | Category Blog, Class Work, English, History, Hockey, Mathematics, Our Work on Display, Senior Classroom, SPHE, Visual Arts |

During the past two months, the Senior Classroom have been busy working hard in all subject areas.

In Art, we designed our own names into various shapes and designs. Some of us even made some unusual creatures out of them. Can you spot any of our names?

We learned about the Irish legend “Clann Lir” in History and made our own comic strip storyboard showing the main aspects of the story.

In SPHE, we have been working on the topic of Well Being. The children worked in small groups to design their own motivational posters using words and phrases of encouragement for various aspects of our lives.

We have been reading the novel, Headbomz, by Irish author Oisín McGann in class. While reading this novel, the children have engaged in lots of activities like making predictions as to how they think the story may go.

They also did some paired written work on how to help with various problems or “Headbomz” they were given on activity cards.

In English, we met a new type of word called a Portmanteau, which carries two or more words in it to create a new word. We had fun discovering many portmanteau words like chillax, popsicle, brunch and hangry, to name but a few!

We also enjoyed learning hockey skills and drills with Emmett Hughes from Hockey Ireland each Monday!

The children engaged in some baking too! Everybody had a role to play in making Butterscotch and Chocolate Chip Cookies!

We supported GOAL’S Jersey Day too and enjoyed wearing our jerseys into school to raise money for a great cause!

Our classroom conducted a traffic survey outside our school grounds in support of all the work we have been doing on Data in Maths. In pairs, the children completed tally sheets on the various types of vehicles passing our school as well as their colours. Cars were the most frequent mode of transport recorded and silver was the most popular colour too!

Heritage Expert, Michael Moylan visited our school in October and engaged the children in a very interactive workshop on the Vikings and the Normans. The children learned about the clothing both men and women wore back then as well as the types of weaponry that were used and developed during these times. Michael taught us a lot about Norman Castles and shared some history of Kilkenny Castle with us in this fun and engaging workshop!

The children wrote a report about the workshop and drew pictures of their favourite memories.

Well done 4th, 5th & 6th Class for all your hard work and participation in all class activities during September and October 🙂

Date posted: 30th October 2023 | Category Blog, Class Work, English, History, Hockey, Mathematics, Our Work on Display, Senior Classroom, SPHE, Visual Arts |

Exciting October in the Junior Room!

Date posted: 27th October 2023 | Category Blog, Class Work, Drama, English, Geography, Hallowe'en, History, Junior Classroom, Local Visits, Mathematics, Our Work on Display, Science, SPHE, Visual Arts |

We have been really busy throughout October in the Junior Room. We started learning through Play using the Aistear Framework. Our topic was ‘The Vet.’

Making a Vet’s Surgery in Small World
Making animals in Junk Art
Building furniture for the Waiting Room in Construction
Having fun doing writing and puzzles about the topic
Visiting the Vet in Role Play!

In English Junior Infants are busy learning their sounds and Seniors are learning reading words.

We learned all about length in Maths.

Measuring how long pencils are
Measuring how tall dogs are
Making chains which were long, longer & longest!

In Visual Art we created colourful Autumn trees, after learning about squirrels in SESE we made Red Squirrels and painted pumpkins for Hallowe’en.

During the month we learned lots about the season of Autumn in SESE. We learned about leaves changing colour and falling from the trees, all about squirrels, hedgehogs and our journey to school each day. We also learned about some traditions of Hallowe’en like dressing up, bobbing for apples and going Trick or Treating!

We went on a Nature Walk to the Discovery Park where we spotted lots of signs of Autumn! Afterwards we had lots of fun playing with our friends in the playground.

We were busy in SPHE discussing different feelings and how to recognise them.

We were excited to welcome Michael Moylan from Heritage in Schools, he told us all about Setanta and Cú Chulaínn. We had great fun dressing up as different characters with him! We also visited Castlecomer Library for Bookville, to hear story telling and make creatures using things from nature like clay, twigs and feathers.

Finally we had fun on the last day before our HallowE’en holidays dressing up in costumes coming to school!

Date posted: 27th October 2023 | Category Blog, Class Work, Drama, English, Geography, Hallowe'en, History, Junior Classroom, Local Visits, Mathematics, Our Work on Display, Science, SPHE, Visual Arts |

A New School Year Begins!

Date posted: 9th October 2023 | Category Blog, History, Junior Classroom, Mathematics, Our Work on Display, Religious Education, Science, SPHE, Visual Arts |

We are delighted to be back in the Junior Room after the Summer Break. We welcomed 6 new Junior Infants to our class this year. 🙂

We have been busy learning about different topics, in Maths Junior Infants learned colours, collecting items of colour from around the room.

In SESE we learned about ourselves as well as our school. We drew self portraits, discussed how we are growing and changing decorating Birthday Cakes for our ages.

We read the story “Our Class is a Family.” We drew pictures of ourselves in school. We also did a treasure hunt around our classroom, finding different areas we use and drew items we find in school. We also came up with suggestions of the things teachers do and drew pictures of our teachers. We made a bright bunch of flowers to show that ”we are a lovely bunch” in our class!

In Art we decorated the letters of our names.

In RE we discussed our school & we thanked God for our lovely school.

We also learned the rules of our classroom, listen, try hard, be safe, be nice, share & care.

Date posted: 9th October 2023 | Category Blog, History, Junior Classroom, Mathematics, Our Work on Display, Religious Education, Science, SPHE, Visual Arts |