• Visual Arts

Visual Arts

We love Art and Craft in our school!The six strands in the Primary School Visual Arts Curriculum are Drawing, Paint & Colour, Print, Clay, Construction and Fabric & Fibre.As you walk through the corridors and classrooms, you will see lovely art displays.We enjoy entering art competitions such as the Texaco Art Competition and also Doodle 4 Google.We also encourage local craftspeople to come in and share their expertise with the children at various times of the year.

Easter Art and Activities in 1st, 2nd & 3rd Class

Date posted: 15th April 2011 | Category Blog, Class Work, Easter, Middle Classroom, Visual Arts |

We made Easter Chicks using wool and cardboard.  We put googly eyes and a beak on the chicks…

We enjoyed painting some Easter Art.  We painted chicks, eggs, rabbits and animals…

We made Chocolate Nests using shredded wheat, melted chocolate and mini eggs.  Delicious!

We decorated our own Easter Eggs…

Happy Easter from 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class!

Date posted: 15th April 2011 | Category Blog, Class Work, Easter, Middle Classroom, Visual Arts |

Baking Easter Fairy Cakes in the Infant Classroom!

Date posted: 14th April 2011 | Category Blog, Easter, Junior Classroom, Visual Arts |

On Thursday, 14th April, Junior & Senior Infants baked Easter Fairy Cakes! The children were all given a job to do in making the fairy cakes. Here are photographs of all their hard work!

We all got to decorate our own fairy cakes with chocolate, eggs, smarties and maltesers!

We all brought 2 fairy cakes home in our Homemade Easter Bags!

Date posted: 14th April 2011 | Category Blog, Easter, Junior Classroom, Visual Arts |

March Art in the Infant Classroom

Date posted: 4th April 2011 | Category Blog, Class Work, Junior Classroom, Visual Arts | Tagged , , |

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall!!

Our Colourful Irish ‘Castlecomer school’ Rainbows!

Our St. Patrick’s Day Hats – modelled at Wandesforde school, Castlecomer!!

We also made our own designer door hangers as a gift for Mother’s Day!

Date posted: 4th April 2011 | Category Blog, Class Work, Junior Classroom, Visual Arts | Tagged , , |

Mother’s Day

Date posted: 4th April 2011 | Category Blog, Senior Classroom, Visual Arts |

Celebrating Mother’s Day    

Mother’s Day was on Sunday April 3rd. Last week 4th, 5th and 6th Class made colourful spring flower pots for their mums.

Date posted: 4th April 2011 | Category Blog, Senior Classroom, Visual Arts |

Book Week Art Competition

Date posted: 31st March 2011 | Category Blog, Book Week, Class Work, Visual Arts |

During Book Week, we had an In-School Art Competition on the theme of books. There were 2 winners picked from each classroom who got to choose a free book from the Book Fair. 

The winners from  Ms. Power’s Classroom were Georgia McCordick & Rebecca Ward. Here are the book covers they designed! 

There were 2 winners in Ms. Dennehy’s Classroom too! They were  Will James & Rebecca Neale who drew pictures of their favourite character.

Junior & Senior Infants drew their favourite character and the winning entries were Savannah McCordick & Adam Byrnes.

Well done to all the children who entered! The standard of artwork was very high and picking the winners wasn’t easy for the teachers!

Here are the displays of each classroom’s entries into the competition! 

Ms. Wilson’s Classroom Entries

Ms. Dennehy’s Classroom Entries

Ms. Power’s Classroom Entries

Date posted: 31st March 2011 | Category Blog, Book Week, Class Work, Visual Arts |