Category Blog, Junior Classroom, Visual Arts

Pottery Lessons in the Infant Classroom

On Tuesday, 10th May 2011, Hilary Jenkinson, a local potter, visited Wandesforde National School to teach the children how to work with clay and make pottery. In the Infant Classroom, the children made their own name plates out of clay. They had great fun working with the clay and designing their own name plate. Here are the photographs to show all of their hard work!

These are some of our completed nameplates which will be fired in a kiln. We’re really looking forward to painting them next week!!

Category Blog, Junior Classroom, Visual Arts |

2 Responses to Pottery Lessons in the Infant Classroom

  1. Oh, wow, they look lovely. Wouldn’t it be lovely to be 5 again!

  2. olga kerr says:

    Yes wish we got to do that when we were in school!!Sofia had so much fun doing this!

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