Summer Fun in the Senior Room

Another year has come and gone in the Senior Room. We have completed lots of work in different areas in the past few weeks. Take a look and see what we have been up to! In Art we created these colourful hand print parrots and painted in a jungle background.  We also drew fruit and…

Here Comes the Summer!

The Junior Classroom have been busy exploring many topics over the past couple of weeks in preparation for their Summer Holidays! In Art, the children did a simple weaving activity using lollipop sticks and magic wool to create some colourful butterflies!  We have been learning about garden birds in SESE and the children made their…

April with 4th, 5th & 6th Class

We have been quite busy in the past month in the Senior Room. In geography and science we looked in detail at different rocks and how they were formed. We examined examples of different rocks, many thanks to the girls who brought in limestone, granite, marble, sandstone etc. It was great to see all these…

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April brings showers of fun in the Junior Classroom!

Another month comes to an end and the Junior Classroom have been very busy doing lots of exciting work with their student teacher, Ms Kathy Ryan. During the month the children explored the theme of transport and made their own vehicles too! After the Easter holidays,the children drew some pictures to give us a snapshot…