May Madness in the Middle Room!

The school year is certainly flying by and May has been so busy, after returning from the Easter Break.  When we came back, the children put their wonderful painting skills to work and painted their happy memories from the Easter Holidays… In Literacy, we wrote a report about the events that filled our break! In…

Welcome Johanna and Kristina!

Last week, on Tuesday 6th and Thursday 8th May, we welcomed our friends Johanna Raisanen and Kristina Pesola to Wandesforde National School!  Johanna and Kristina are teachers in Lohtajan Kirkonkylan Koulu (try pronouncing that!) in Finland.  This translates as “Lohtaja’s Church Village School”.  The children in Wandesforde are currently writing to the children in this school and…

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April Activities in the Middle Room!

It has certainly been a busy April and now that Easter is almost here, we have been extra busy with lots of fun and games in the middle room!  Have a look at what we have been up to…. In Science, the children have been focusing on Electricity and Magnetism.  The 1st and 2nd Class…