Category Blog, Class Work, Green Flag, Junior Classroom, Middle Classroom, Senior Classroom

Green Schools Action Day at Wandesforde!

Recently we held our Green Schools Action Day. We had lots of fun with a quiz, games, art work and experiments all based on water. First we had a whole school quiz all about interesting water facts. Pupils were divided into teams with all classes mixed up together.

In our teams we also solved word problems all about water. 


100_5554 Congratulations to the winning team who each received a pencil case made from recycled rubber, pencils made from recycled newspaper and rulers made with recycled CDs.


We also looked at different water experiments. We learned that oranges float normally but sink when peeled!


We also saw that eggs normally sink but float in salty water and oil floats on water but washing up liquid makes oil and water mix together.


An effervescent tablet brought water to the top of the oil, it looked like a lava lamp!

We also had fun painting a water barrel which we will use to harvest rainwater. The water we save will be used to water plants and vegetables in our school garden.


The finished product



Category Blog, Class Work, Green Flag, Junior Classroom, Middle Classroom, Senior Classroom |

One Response to Green Schools Action Day at Wandesforde!

  1. Davina says:

    The children and teachers really enjoyed all the experiments and activities during the Green Schools Action Day! Thank you to Ms. Power for all her hard work throughout the year in preparation for the Water Flag and well done to all the children for all their hard work too!

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