- by Susan Peavoy
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A Warm Welcome Back From 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class!
Welcome back to everyone after the lovely Summer break. Things have been very busy in 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class in all subject areas! In English, we wrote about ourselves and created jigsaw pieces… This year, we agreed that we are going to do our best and “Reach for the Stars!” in all tasks we…
- by Davina Wilson
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September in the Senior Room
Welcome back everybody to a new school year! September has been a very busy month for us all. In SPHE, the children designed their own Mandala to express their uniqueness and individuality. They also created their own “All About Me” Iphone Worksheet In preparation for the Rugby World Cup in Japan, we explored the flags…
- by Fiona Joyce
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- by Susan Power
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A New Year Begins in the Junior Room
Welcome back to everyone in the Junior Room and a special welcome to our five new Junior Infants! We have been busy in our first month of school, in English we have been learning new sounds with Juniors and revising last years ones with Seniors. We practiced writing them with pencils, on whiteboards and even…