Cake Sale and Coffee Morning

On Friday March 30th, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th class held their annual cake sale and coffee morning. This year the funds raised are going to the Bishop’s Appeal and our school tour.  A huge thank you to everyone who baked all the delicious goods! We also had a competition to guess how many eggs…

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Easter Fun!

The children in 2nd and 3rd Class designed their own Easter Eggs and we displayed them on the classroom wall!  We also made our own mini chocolate eggs using moulds…As you can probably guess, this was a fun activity and everyone wanted to lick the spoon afterwards! We then put the finished eggs into handmade…

Easter Art in the Infant Classroom

During April,  the Infant Classroom learned about the artist, Vincent Van Gogh and his painting, “Sunflowers”. As an art appreciation lesson, the children all made their own  picture of “Sunflowers” using oil pastels. They did fantastic artwork and really showed off their artistic talents!! Designing their own Easter Bags for the Easter Fairy Cakes was another art activity for the children The children…

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Easter Art and Activities in 1st, 2nd & 3rd Class

We made Easter Chicks using wool and cardboard.  We put googly eyes and a beak on the chicks… We enjoyed painting some Easter Art.  We painted chicks, eggs, rabbits and animals… We made Chocolate Nests using shredded wheat, melted chocolate and mini eggs.  Delicious! We decorated our own Easter Eggs… Happy Easter from 1st, 2nd…