
March Madness in the Junior Classroom!

Date posted: 11th April 2015 | Category Blog, Class Work, Easter, English, Junior Classroom, Mathematics, Physical Education, Religious Education, Visual Arts |

Another month has come and gone and the Junior Classroom have been hard at work once again in all subject areas. It’s been a month of celebrations too with St. Patrick’s Day, Mothering Sunday and also all the Easter Preparations!

We started off the month by making Easter Cards for our penpals in Finland. They needed to be done early so that they would get to them in time for their Easter Break!

This month we’ve focused on doing paired work in many subject areas!

In P.E. we did simple paired orienteering activities whereby the children had to explore and investigate the area around them and record the information they found on a worksheet.

The children also made their own St. Patrick’s Day Bingo Sheet in pairs and then the whole class played Bingo together which is always great fun!!

In Art the children “Took a line for a walk in a Shamrock” to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day!

In SESE, the children learned the names of many garden and Spring flowers. In support of all that they learned, they made a beautiful Spring bouquet which they brought home as another gift for Mothering Sunday!

For Mothering Sunday, the children made some chocolate hearts together which they wrapped up in tin foil and put inside their  colourful teacup cards! We also put a teabag inside as what’s a teacup without a teabag! 🙂


In preparation for Book Week, the children made their own spaceships out of paper plates to show you the places and people they like to visit in stories.

We think “Reading is out of this World!”

Ms. Power and the Green School’s Committee put our drawing to the test in a Whole School Drawing Competition on Transport!

Didn’t they do a great job drawing their favourite form of transport!

In Religion, the children drew pictures for the Bishop’s Annual Poster Competition on the theme of “Travelling in the Bible”

Before our Easter Holidays, we worked with clay to make our very own Egg Cups!

Finally and most importantly, we got to make & decorate our Easter Cupcakes and Basket for our Easter Treats!!

Well done Junior Classroom on such great work during a very, very busy month!

Happy Easter Everybody! 🙂

Date posted: 11th April 2015 | Category Blog, Class Work, Easter, English, Junior Classroom, Mathematics, Physical Education, Religious Education, Visual Arts |

A Marvellous March in the Middle Room!

Date posted: 30th March 2015 | Category Blog, Class Work, Easter, English, Green Flag, Mathematics, Middle Classroom, Religious Education, Science, Special Occasions, Visual Arts |

March has come and is almost finished and it certainly has been a busy month in 1st, 2nd & 3rd Class!  To celebrate the wonderful work that our Mums do for us every day, we made beautiful bouquets and cards to give to them on Mothering Sunday!

To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, the children created shamrocks with rainbows!

The children in 3rd class invented amazing machines that do all sorts of jobs for us.  One is a machine that does your homework and anything else you ask it to do.  Wouldn’t that be a great thing to have in your house?!

As the season of Spring has well and truly arrived, the children painted Spring pictures!

In Religious Education, we wrote our own class prayer and listened to the Easter Story.  We decorated the notice board with lots of palm leaves…

In English, the children wrote Acrostic Spring poems….

To celebrate Easter, we designed our own Easter eggs and wrote Easter poems also!

We also learned to sew over the past few weeks and made Easter chicks, rabbits and lambs!

Here are the finished animals!

To support our efforts in working towards our green flag for transport, Ms. Power organised an art competition.  Have a look at the entries from the middle room!

In Maths, the children in 3rd class created 2D shape pictures! 

Wishing you all a very Happy Easter from 1st, 2nd & 3rd Class!!


Date posted: 30th March 2015 | Category Blog, Class Work, Easter, English, Green Flag, Mathematics, Middle Classroom, Religious Education, Science, Special Occasions, Visual Arts |

Marvellous March Work!

Date posted: 26th March 2015 | Category Blog, Easter, English, French, Geography, Green Flag, History, Our Work on Display, Senior Classroom, Visual Arts |

4th, 5th and 6th class worked very hard and completed lots of work in different areas this month.

We celebrated St Patrick’s Day by designing our own shamrocks and mixing lots of shades of green to paint them.

It was Mother’s Day on March 15th and to say thanks to our mums for all they do for us we made them pretty bookmarks. In English class we wrote acrostic poems for our mums too.

In Geography we spent this month looking at and studying the country France. We learned lots of new interesting information and wrote up our findings!

For Green Schools we designed our ‘Transport of the Future’

We are working on attaining our Travel Flag in Green Schools at the moment.

In art we created our own Easter chicks by blowing yellow paint on a page with straws. We made the nests from matchsticks!

Finally in History we have been learning all about the Easter Rising in 1916. Again we found out lots of new information about this topic and wrote up our findings.

Happy Easter to everyone from 4th, 5th & 6th Class!!

Date posted: 26th March 2015 | Category Blog, Easter, English, French, Geography, Green Flag, History, Our Work on Display, Senior Classroom, Visual Arts |

Date posted: 23rd March 2015 | Category Blog, Easter, Latest News |


The senior pupils are hosting their annual coffee morning and cake sale on Friday 27th March from 10am to 12pm in the school.  All welcome!  We are also having a book sale in the middle room so pop along and have a browse!  All funds raised will go towards the school tour in May.  Your support is very much appreciated!

Date posted: 23rd March 2015 | Category Blog, Easter, Latest News |

Happy Easter Everyone!

Date posted: 20th April 2014 | Category Basketball, Blog, Class Work, Easter, Junior Classroom, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Religious Education, Visual Arts |

Another month is nearly over and once again the Junior Classroom have been busy little bees!!

In Art, the children had fun rolling up crepe paper into balls to create their very own Cherry Blossom. Did you know that the Cherry Blossom originally came from Japan?

As part of the Maths Curriculum, the children played their own Numbers Game called “Daffodil Drive” in pairs.

In Music, the children drew pictures in response to “Dance of the Flowers” by Tchaikovsky.

We have some budding artists in the Junior Room as you can see from their detailed drawings 🙂

We also have been learning how to play basketball with Joe Byrne. Thank You Joe for all the fun, skills and games each week. The children really enjoyed it!

In R.E. the children drew their own pictures for the Bishop’s Poster Competition based on the theme of “Bringing Hope”

In celebration of Easter, the children designed their own polystyrene eggs and …..

they also made their own cute & colourful Easter Chicks!

Finally as an end of term treat, the children welcomed a new member, Sally, into their school for the day!

The children really enjoyed  petting the baby lamb.

Thank you to Derry and Jackie Neale for giving the children the opportunity to meet & greet Sally!!

Well done to all the children again for all their enthusiasm and hard work this month. Enjoy the well deserved Easter Break everyone and I’ll see you all in the Summer Term!!

Date posted: 20th April 2014 | Category Basketball, Blog, Class Work, Easter, Junior Classroom, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Religious Education, Visual Arts |