Category Blog, Easter, Fundraising Activities

Cake Sale and Coffee Morning

On Friday March 30th, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th class held their annual cake sale and coffee morning. This year the funds raised are going to the Bishop’s Appeal and our school tour.  A huge thank you to everyone who baked all the delicious goods! We also had a competition to guess how many eggs were in a basket. Thank you to Jackie for organising this. We raised a grand total of €639.79!


Category Blog, Easter, Fundraising Activities |

2 Responses to Cake Sale and Coffee Morning

  1. Susan Dennehy says:

    Well done to everyone for all their hard work at the coffee morning and cake sale. It was a very enjoyable day:)

  2. Lorna says:

    It was and the children all worked very hard and with great enthusiasm, they were all a credit to you (the teachers)

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