Delicious Soup!

Last week Ms Dennehy’s class and Ms Power’s class went out to the school garden. There we harvested all the vegetables which had been growing over the summer. We got carrots, potatoes and onions!         When we went inside  5th and 6th Class prepared the soup for everyone. They peeled, chopped and…


CoderDojo is a fun, exciting workshop, designed for children with an interest in computer and codes starting next Saturday, 29th September in Carlow Educate Together National School.  The workshop will enable children to learn how to design and build video games and websites using codes!  Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult, but all…

June in the Senior Classroom!

June has been a very busy month in Wandesforde NS. We’ve had our annual Sports’ Day and Awards Assembly as well as an end of year service in St Mary’s church. The senior classes have been looking at the Olympics which take place in London this summer. We worked in groups looking at different aspects…