Category Blog, History, Irish, Senior Classroom, Visual Arts

September in the Senior Room

September has been a busy month in the Senior Room. Since coming back to school we have been working hard in all subjects! Below is some of the work we have done.

In history we studied the Greek Legends and Women in History. Here are the pictures we painted of Greek Gods.





In art we created these tunnels to show where the vanishing point is and we also looked at the work of the artist Vincent Van Gogh, focusing on the painting Starry Night. Each pupil then painted a small section of the painting Starry Night.





In Gaeilge 5th and 6th have been learning about the topic Ar an bhFeirm. Here are pictures they drew after listening to instructions in Irish.

Category Blog, History, Irish, Senior Classroom, Visual Arts |

5 Responses to September in the Senior Room

  1. Lorna says:

    It was lovely seeing all their work tonight in the classroom too at the AGM. It looks like they have had a very busy and productive first month back at school. I can’t wait to see some Funky Kids photos 😉

  2. Davina says:

    The Senior Room have been very busy and it’s lovely to see all your class
    work on display. Keep up the great work 🙂

  3. Susan Dennehy says:

    Great work seniors and Ms.Power:) I really love your art work based on Starry Night…

  4. Susan Power says:

    Thank you everyone for the lovely comments!

  5. Anna says:

    I love the Van Gogh pictures especially. Busy classroom since September. Well done senior room and Ms. Power 🙂

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