November News in the Junior Classroom!

During November, the Junior Classroom have enjoyed learning all about the weather in SESE. We have been busy recording the daily weather on our weather chart!  We also made some beautiful rainbows to brighten up our classroom this Winter, using rolled up coloured crepe paper and cotton wool! In SPHE, the children have been learning about “Feelings” They…

Happy Halloween from the Junior Classroom!

October has once again been a busy month! We started off the month making Floppy Scarecrows in small groups, in response to a poem called “The Floppy Floppy Scarecrow” in English! In SPHE, the children have been learning all about themselves. They made their own identity card with their own photograph, handprint and fingerprint! In the SESE subject areas, the…

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Our hens have arrived!

On Tuesday, 7th October, we welcomed 4 hens to Wandesforde National School!   2 hens arrived bright and early by car and 2 came on the bus with some children!  They are settling in very comfortably to their new coop in the back garden of our school building.  Jackie, very kindly donated the 4 hens, which are…

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We’ve started school!

September has been a busy month for us all as we settle back to school again! The Junior Classroom  welcomed 7 Junior Infants who have settled in very well to life at “Big School!” Our Senior Infants have settled very well into their new class too! During the month, the children have had fun getting…