Awards & Presentations!

Each year, on sports’ day, the children all receive a medal for participating in the various activities.  We also present the pupils who have enjoyed sports throughout the year, as well as being great team players with a prize.  A boy and girl in each classroom received a trophy to mark their efforts and sportsmanship throughout the…

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June Activities in 2nd & 3rd Class!

June has been a hectic, but productive month in 2nd and 3rd class!  We have crammed a lot of fun activities into our schedule to make it an enjoyable month for all the pupils!  In a Visual Arts lesson, we got to tie-dye our own t-shirts and bandanas.  Here is a photo of the children modelling their gear!…

Sports’ Day 2012!

On Wednesday 20th June , the children in Wandesforde NS had their annual sports’ day!  Each year, we focus on the fun aspect of playing sports.  Thankfully, the sun was shining and we had a great day!  We had 5 events throughout the morning.  They included races, hurdles, a three-legged race, the egg and spoon…