Finals of Irish Web Awards

Great news – the Wandesforde school website is in the finals of the Irish Web Awards.  It is in the ‘Best Education and Third Level website’ category and you can click here if you would like to see who we are competing against. Many thanks to Maura McDonnell who designed our website and to Susan…

September has been busy in the Junior Classroom!

Junior Infants, Senior Infants and First Class have been busy this September! To begin with, all the children started off  the year as Superheroes and Princesses! We then supported the Kilkenny Team with our Liam McCarthy Cups! During the month, we learned the letter “s”  so we made our own “Scarecrow Paper Bags” In Irish and…

Autumn Activities in 2nd & 3rd Class

We have been very busy in 2nd and 3rd class completing lots of exciting things, some revolving around the theme of Autumn.  Have a look at our photos… We made Autumn Frames using cardboard and tiny woodchips.  The children then decorated the frames with Autumn Leaves. We learned a poem called “Duilleoga Deasa” in Irish…