Category Blog, Easter, Junior Classroom, Visual Arts

Baking Easter Fairy Cakes in the Infant Classroom!

On Thursday, 14th April, Junior & Senior Infants baked Easter Fairy Cakes! The children were all given a job to do in making the fairy cakes. Here are photographs of all their hard work!

We all got to decorate our own fairy cakes with chocolate, eggs, smarties and maltesers!

We all brought 2 fairy cakes home in our Homemade Easter Bags!

Category Blog, Easter, Junior Classroom, Visual Arts |

4 Responses to Baking Easter Fairy Cakes in the Infant Classroom!

  1. That looks fabulous fun! And to think I need a large cup of tea after baking with just 2 children! I hope you went home and had a large glass of wine after all that ;-), the decorations on the fairy cakes look wonderful and the presentation bags are perfect.

  2. Davina Wilson says:

    Thanks Lorna for all your lovely comments on the posts. Have a lovely Easter Break and I’ll see you in May!

  3. Pearl says:

    serena really enjoyed this baking experience. She had one fairy cake and brought the other one into the hospital to her aunty Linda when her nanna brought her in to see her newest little cousin who was born on Wednesday evening.

    • Davina Wilson says:

      Please pass on my congratulations to Linda! Have a lovely Easter-make sure you rest too! Thanks for putting a comment on the website! Davina

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