Our School Garden!

Over the past few days, because the weather has been nice, we decided to plant our potatoes for the Summer!  The children in 2nd and 3rd Class took to the garden, tools at the ready, to plant the seed potatoes! The onions were planted a few weeks ago and are getting bigger! Let’s hope we…

The Human Heart

In science the senior classes have been looking at the human heart. We learned the names of different parts of the heart and then labelled a diagram of the heart. We also did experiments to see how many times our heart beats in one minute at rest and after doing exercise. We counted our pulse…

March in 4th, 5th and 6th Class

It was a busy few weeks leading up to Easter. The senior room have learned all about the sinking of the Titanic in history and English. In science we’ve learned about some of the different birds of prey in Ireland and written up our findings. For Mother’s Day we made heart shaped baskets and put a little…