
Marvellous March Work!

Date posted: 26th March 2015 | Category Blog, Easter, English, French, Geography, Green Flag, History, Our Work on Display, Senior Classroom, Visual Arts |

4th, 5th and 6th class worked very hard and completed lots of work in different areas this month.

We celebrated St Patrick’s Day by designing our own shamrocks and mixing lots of shades of green to paint them.

It was Mother’s Day on March 15th and to say thanks to our mums for all they do for us we made them pretty bookmarks. In English class we wrote acrostic poems for our mums too.

In Geography we spent this month looking at and studying the country France. We learned lots of new interesting information and wrote up our findings!

For Green Schools we designed our ‘Transport of the Future’

We are working on attaining our Travel Flag in Green Schools at the moment.

In art we created our own Easter chicks by blowing yellow paint on a page with straws. We made the nests from matchsticks!

Finally in History we have been learning all about the Easter Rising in 1916. Again we found out lots of new information about this topic and wrote up our findings.

Happy Easter to everyone from 4th, 5th & 6th Class!!

Date posted: 26th March 2015 | Category Blog, Easter, English, French, Geography, Green Flag, History, Our Work on Display, Senior Classroom, Visual Arts |

French in Wandesforde NS!

Date posted: 5th June 2013 | Category Blog, French, Junior Classroom, Middle Classroom, Senior Classroom, Subjects |

French lessons concluded last week in school.  The children made a huge effort to learn lots of new words including numbers, colours, animals, members of the family, food and how to talk about themselves.  Each week, the children tasted some french food such as croissants, pain au chocolat and brioche.  All the children received a certificate for their efforts, a book with all their worksheets and of course a little treat.  Well done everybody.  I hope you all enjoyed learning this lovely language!


Au Revoir!

Date posted: 5th June 2013 | Category Blog, French, Junior Classroom, Middle Classroom, Senior Classroom, Subjects |

We are learning French!

Date posted: 22nd April 2013 | Category Blog, Class Work, French, Junior Classroom, Middle Classroom, Senior Classroom |

Over the next 6 weeks, the children in Wandesforde NS will be learning French!  Each week, Ms. Dennehy will be teaching the children in each classroom French phrases and words to use.  The children will be playing games, tasting some French food and having fun, learning a new language in an engaging, interactive way!

The Junior and Senior Infants will receive 30 minutes tuition and the rest of the school (1st – 6th Class) will receive 45 minutes tuition each week.  We will update the website with the fun activities we will engage in.  À Bientôt!

Date posted: 22nd April 2013 | Category Blog, Class Work, French, Junior Classroom, Middle Classroom, Senior Classroom |