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Spring has Sprung in the Junior Room!

Junior and Senior Infants have been as busy as ever in the last few weeks. In play we learned all about The Farm. We had fun making animals in Play Doh, planning and making farms in the Sand and Small World. We also made items in Junk Art and went outside to create farms as…

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2nd, 3rd and 4th Class are Back!!!

A warm welcome back to all our pupils after a stressful few months at home! It is great to be back in the classroom and it is even better seeing our friends that we haven’t seen in so long! The children have worked very hard since their return. Have a look at what they have…

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Thank You!

A Big Thank You to all who supported our Annual Coffee Morning, Cake and Book Sale! The total amount raised on the day was €1307! Well done & thank you to the staff & children from 3rd-6th Class for all their hard work in preparation for this busy morning 🙂 The money raised will help…