• Local Visits

Local Visits

The school is situated ideally to take full advantage of the Castlecomer Demesne and Discovery Park. This is a fantastic woodland park with a wonderful variety of nature species, including tadpoles, fish, birds and many different species of trees. Sometimes after a nature walk we play for a while in the “Timber Tumbles” playground situated beside the Discovery Park.

January & February in the Senior Classroom!

Date posted: 1st March 2020 | Category Blog, Class Work, English, History, Irish, Local Visits, Mathematics, Music, Our Work on Display, Senior Classroom, SPHE, Visual Arts |

The past 2 months have been very busy in the Senior Classroom! To celebrate the New Year, the children made their own 2020 Resolution Mobiles.

In English, they also wrote an Acrostic Poem on words to do with the New Year!

The children studied many areas in the SESE subjects. They explored the topic of the Vikings and practised their letter writing skills when they wrote letters back to their families in Scandinavia!

They also designed their own Viking Rune Stones!

The children continue to engage in song-singing lessons with Clare in Music Generation.

In English, the children studied the poem “The Spider and the Fly” by Mary Howitt and wrote their own summary of the poem.

8 members of our class participated in the Credit Union Quiz. Congratulations to the Under 13 team above, who came 3rd in their age category!

Our Under 11 Team above came 2nd in the competition and received a plaque as well as monetary vouchers for all their hard work! Big congratulations to you all!

The children have been learning about Proverbs in English. They designed their own pictures to illustrate some much-used proverbs!

Didn’t they do a fantastic job!

In SPHE, the children explored the topic of Healthy Eating and created their own Food Pyramids with foods they enjoy eating 🙂

We welcomed 3 baby chicks at Wandesforde with the Nore Valley Incubation Project!

All classrooms had to name a chick. Their names are Rosie, Bubbles and Chirpy!

In Gaeilge, the children have been working tirelessly on the Aimsir Fháistineach and in support of this, they wrote their own sentences on various verbs they have been learning.

The class enjoyed participating in the History workshop conducted by Heritage Expert, Michael Moylan, on the 1916 Rising, The Irish Civil War and World War 1. Below are some photographs to give you a taste of their history workshop!

In Art, the children constructed their own type of home using cereal boxes and other recyclable materials.

The whole school enjoyed the Pancake Party on Tuesday, 25th February. Thank you to Mrs Dooley, who once again prepared all the pancakes and to 6th Class for waiting the tables!

In Maths, the children have been learning lots of interesting details about lines and angles. In support of all this work, the children made their own lines and angles using lollipop sticks!

In Art, the children created their own pictures for the Texaco Art Competition. Below are photos of some of their entries!

Finally, we celebrated Valentine’s Day on the 14th February. The children designed their own Valentine’s Day Cards and created their own “Warm Hearts” too 🙂

Well done to all the children for all their hard work during the first 2 months of 2020!

Date posted: 1st March 2020 | Category Blog, Class Work, English, History, Irish, Local Visits, Mathematics, Music, Our Work on Display, Senior Classroom, SPHE, Visual Arts |

Spooktacular goings on in the Junior Room!

Date posted: 25th October 2019 | Category Blog, Class Work, Drama, English, Geography, Hallowe'en, Junior Classroom, Local Visits, Mathematics, Our Work on Display, Science, Visual Arts |

October has been a busy month for Junior & Senior Infants. Check out what we have been up to below…..

Autumn is well and truly here now and we learned all about what happens at this colourful time of year. We painted Autumn trees using cotton buds to create leaves in Art and made bark rubbings. We joined the dots and made orange, yellow, red & brown leaves. We also learned all about squirrels and hedgehogs.

We practiced our cutting skills to make cheerful Autumn scenes!

We were practicing mapping skills in SESE and drew 3 things we see each day on our way to school.

In Maths Junior Infants have been learning all about the number 2 while Senior Infants have completed lots of work on the number 6.

Junior Infants are learning lots of new sounds each week, here are our ‘e’ sounds.

Our play topic has been ‘The Vet.’ We learned lots about how vets and veterinary nurses help animals.

Creating veterinay items in Junk Art.
Building a Vet’s Surgery in Construction.
Role playing at the vets!
Building a kennel for the vet to use

We headed off to the local library to see the work of a real life illustrator for Bookville. Carol Ann showed us her drawings and helped us create our own whale and geese drawings.

With Halloween approaching we made some spooky pumpkins to go on our wall. We also made a Halloween treat on the last day and had fun dressing up in spooky, scary costumes.

Enjoy the Halloween break everyone!

Date posted: 25th October 2019 | Category Blog, Class Work, Drama, English, Geography, Hallowe'en, Junior Classroom, Local Visits, Mathematics, Our Work on Display, Science, Visual Arts |

April fun in the Junior Room!

Date posted: 13th April 2019 | Category Blog, Class Work, Drama, Easter, Geography, Junior Classroom, Local Visits, Our Work on Display, Science, Visual Arts |

It has been a busy few weeks in the run up to Easter with Junior and Senior Infants. We learned all about the hairdressers in play. Here we are role playing in the Wandesforde Hair Salon, making items from play doh and junk art and building our own mini salons in small world.

Ms Power and Ms Byrne got their hair styled by the hairdressers at the Wandesforde Hair Salon!

We were up bright and early on April 4th to make an appearance on Ireland AM! We had a lovely morning in the Discovery Park.

In Art we made colourful Easter Eggs using paper doilies and coloured card.

Finally this month we learned all about the weather, we monitored the weather and drew different weather we learned about.

Date posted: 13th April 2019 | Category Blog, Class Work, Drama, Easter, Geography, Junior Classroom, Local Visits, Our Work on Display, Science, Visual Arts |

Spring has sprung in the Junior Room!

Date posted: 2nd April 2019 | Category Blog, Class Work, English, Geography, Junior Classroom, Local Visits, Mathematics, Our Work on Display, Science, SPHE, Visual Arts |

Junior & Senior Infants learned lots about the season of Spring this month. In play we discovered all about Spring weather, baby animals which are born and plants and flowers that grow.

We used blocks to make Spring flowers
We made Spring nests and plants from play doh

We made birds nests from our magnets
In the sand we found cards and put them in the correct order to show what happens in Spring

We also created our own Spring Garden in our classroom with daffodils, snowdrops, primroses and hyacinths.

In Art we made St Patrick’s Day crocks of gold and used clay to make daffodil candle holders for Mother’s Day.

Continuing with our Spring theme we made colourful rainbows which we often see at this time of year from the sunshine and showers. We also created fluffy baby lambs, born at the moment as well.

We wrote sentences about Spring and drew pictures to illustrate them in English.

We learned all about water in our world in SESE, looking at places we find water like the sea, rivers, canals, lakes etc. We also experimented to see if materials were waterproof and recorded our results.

Senior Infants learned all about measuring length this month and we measured pencils but used sharpeners instead of a ruler!

In SPHE we discussed and explored feelings we have through reading various Mr Men and Little Miss books. We drew some of the feelings we’d discussed.

We enjoyed two nature walks this month, first of all we went to the river and explored around the river bank and woods with Eileen Canny, although it was raining we had fun!! At the end of the month we went to the Discovery Park and tried to spot as many signs of Spring as we could. Thankfully the sun shone and we had time to visit the playground at the end!

Ready with our clipboards to spot signs of Spring!

Date posted: 2nd April 2019 | Category Blog, Class Work, English, Geography, Junior Classroom, Local Visits, Mathematics, Our Work on Display, Science, SPHE, Visual Arts |

Spring Fun and Games in 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class!

Date posted: 14th March 2019 | Category Blog, Class Work, English, Geography, Local Visits, Mathematics, Middle Classroom, Religious Education, Science, Visual Arts |

February has flown in the Middle Room!  We have been very busy learning lots of new things and now you can have a look at all our work!

To mark the start of February, we read about St. Brigid and her life as a Christian.  We coloured in pictures of her cloak…..

Chinese new Year was on the 5th February and this year is the year of the pig!  We read a story about how all the animals were picked to be part of Chinese New Year and made dragons, as these are a huge symbol in Chinese culture.

We read a poem called “Daffodils” by William Wordsworth.  We discussed the many verbs, adjectives and nouns in it and then decorated it!

In Maths, the 2nd class are learning all about 3D shapes and had to design hotels using all the shapes that we learned about!

We created colourful peacocks in art using metallic colours…

The children in all classes completed projects based on topics of their choice.  They did a wonderful job presenting them to the class.  Here are some pictures of their work!

To mark Pancake Tuesday, we enjoyed a few pancakes with our favourite toppings, kindly made by Mrs. Dooley and distributed by the Senior pupils.  Thank you all very much!  They were delicious!

We also welcomed Eileen Canny to the school to do a River Study Workshop with the children last week.  The children explored the river bank and woodland area at the end of the school property and despite the rain, had lots of fun!

Well done on all your hard work boys and girls!

Date posted: 14th March 2019 | Category Blog, Class Work, English, Geography, Local Visits, Mathematics, Middle Classroom, Religious Education, Science, Visual Arts |