Funky Kids – Junior Classroom

Rowan:I really enjoyed decorating my costume in Funky Kids. Sofia: I like line dancing and I really enjoyed wearing the cowboy hat! Savannah: I brought in a cowboy hat for line dancing-I really enjoy dancing. Gavin: I drew a house on the picture of Tom and Jerry-I really enjoy Funky Kids. Lisa :I like Funky…

Funky Kids Club

The Funky Kids are back! Olivia and Dennis have returned for their ten weeks of fun, drama, singing, acting, making costumes, clowning around, learning, teaching, laughing and more.  One day a week, the children take turns to partake in learning new songs, new dance routines, making up their own dances, making their costumes and practising…

Drama post 2

Curabitur nisi nibh, semper quis pulvinar et, vehicula vitae diam. Duis tempor sem quis tortor molestie bibendum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas nec tempor tellus. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus at mi erat. Curabitur commodo rhoncus lorem a auctor. Quisque sagittis justo ut odio placerat eu vulputate massa pretium….