A Fun Run and a Marathon!!!

We have been very active in Wandesforde National School this week! As part of our fundraising efforts over the past few weeks, we have been training hard to comfortably run 2 km. On Thursday, 21st October, our efforts and training paid off and the whole school walked to Castlecomer Community School to use the running…

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A Busy June in the Middle Room!

The Summer holidays are here! 2nd, 3rd and 4th class have been so busy over the past few weeks! Here are some photos of their hard work for you to look at! The theme over the past month was “Water” and many of our lessons revolved around this topic! In English, the children studied the…

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2nd, 3rd and 4th Class Work:)

The children have been very busy in 2nd, 3rd and 4th Class over the past few weeks since we returned to school after the Easter holidays! Ms. Delaney taught the children for 2 weeks and did so many fun things with the class! In Geography, the children learned all about the Weather. They learned about…