Happy Christmas from the Junior Classroom!

During December, the children in the Junior Classroom have been busy preparing for Christmas! Here are some pictures of our festive preparations! We posted our letters to Santa in the Post Office 🙂 Look at all the very happy and excited faces in the Junior Classroom! We had great fun decorating our classroom for Christmas. The children coloured in…

November News in the Infant Classroom!

We have had yet another busy month in the Junior Classroom. In Art, the children drew a portrait of another member of their class. Didn’t they do a great job?                    Can you guess who is who? This month, the Whole School started the “Food Dudes” Programme. We have had great fun tasting and eating fruit and vegetables…

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Team Hope Shoebox Appeal!

A huge thank you to all the families who sent in a shoebox as part of the “Team Hope Shoebox Appeal 2013”.  We had a total of 48 shoeboxes for boys and girls in other countries who do not have as much as we do!  Thank you once again.  Here is a picture of the…

Food Dudes & FitKids!

Over the next few weeks, the children in Wandesforde NS will be taking part in 2 programmes to promote heathy eating and healthy living!  The first is the Food Dudes programme, run in conjunction with An Bord Bia.  The aim of the programme is to promote fruit and vegetable consumption in Irish Schools.  We are…