
Over the past few weeks, the children in 2nd and 3rd class have been learning about the “Titanic”.  The children completed a mini-project and learned lots of interesting facts and figures about this tragedy, which happened 100 years ago.  Have a look at some of our pictures! The children learned about the various classes that…

Spring Cleaning in Castlecomer!

As part of the National Spring Clean, Wandesforde National School pupils took part in a huge clean up day on Thursday 19th April.  The campaign was organised at local level by students in Transition Year from the Community School in Castlecomer.  The students came to the school early on Thursday morning and we were ready…

Firefighters Visit Wandesforde NS!

On Friday, 20th April 2012, firefighters from Kilkenny Fire Service visited the pupils in 2nd and 3rd Class, as part of the SPHE curriculum in conjunction with local Fire Stations.  3 officers, Philip, Richie and Willie spoke to the pupils about fire safety in the home.  The children had to complete a worksheet where they had to…

March in 4th, 5th and 6th Class

It was a busy few weeks leading up to Easter. The senior room have learned all about the sinking of the Titanic in history and English. In science we’ve learned about some of the different birds of prey in Ireland and written up our findings. For Mother’s Day we made heart shaped baskets and put a little…

Cake Sale and Coffee Morning

On Friday March 30th, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th class held their annual cake sale and coffee morning. This year the funds raised are going to the Bishop’s Appeal and our school tour.  A huge thank you to everyone who baked all the delicious goods! We also had a competition to guess how many eggs…