Sports’ Day 2017!!!!

On Friday, the 16th June, we held our annual sport’s day in Wandesforde National School!  Each year we have 5 races involving all the children.  The first race was the sprints.  The Infants had to sprint 20 metres.  1st and 2nd had to sprint 30 metres and 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th had to sprint…

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Some sun & plenty of fun in 5th & 6th Class!

Wow! What a busy and fun few weeks we’ve had in the Senior Room. We went on our annual school tour to Dunmore East Adventure Centre and a great time was had by all! That’s 13 meters high! We looked in detail at the Irish coast in Geography, labelling islands and headlands and in Science we…

Farewell and Thank You!

On Thursday, the 8th June 2017, we held a special assembly for Mrs. Kay Murtagh who is leaving the teaching staff after many years in our school.  The children, staff and parents were so sad to hear that she was leaving, something that is beyond our control, but we had to mark her time in Wandesforde…

Here comes the Summer!!

During the month of May, the Junior Classroom have worked very hard in all areas of the curriculum. Following the Easter Break, they drew a picture of some activities they did during their holidays! We welcomed 6 little chicks into the world during the month too! Every day, we watched them grow and at the end…