1916 Rising

  Charles Stewart Parnell 4th, 5th and 6th Class have been learning about the 1916 Easter Rising. Local historian Michael Moylan came in to show us some clothes, weapons and discuss events which took place during the Easter Rising.   We got to look at some of the weapons used during the Rising We also got…

Junior Classroom

On Tuesday, 28th March, a local historian, Michael Moylan visited Junior & Senior Infants as part of Book Week in the school. The children were told many stories, most notably, the story of Cúchulainn. The opportunity to dress up in costume from various historical eras was a highlight of the day for the children! The boys dressed up…

Book Week Art Competition

During Book Week, we had an In-School Art Competition on the theme of books. There were 2 winners picked from each classroom who got to choose a free book from the Book Fair.  The winners from  Ms. Power’s Classroom were Georgia McCordick & Rebecca Ward. Here are the book covers they designed!  There were 2 winners in Ms. Dennehy’s Classroom…

Funky Kids Show

On Friday 25th March, we hosted our third Funky Kids show. Denis and Olivia from the Funky Kids Club  visited the school every Friday for ten weeks and showed the children how to make their own costumes and taught them new songs and dances. We also had Brian Cowen, Enda Kenny, Mary Harney, Jedward and…