Category Blog, Book Week, Class Work, Visual Arts

Book Week Art Competition

During Book Week, we had an In-School Art Competition on the theme of books. There were 2 winners picked from each classroom who got to choose a free book from the Book Fair. 

The winners from  Ms. Power’s Classroom were Georgia McCordick & Rebecca Ward. Here are the book covers they designed! 

There were 2 winners in Ms. Dennehy’s Classroom too! They were  Will James & Rebecca Neale who drew pictures of their favourite character.

Junior & Senior Infants drew their favourite character and the winning entries were Savannah McCordick & Adam Byrnes.

Well done to all the children who entered! The standard of artwork was very high and picking the winners wasn’t easy for the teachers!

Here are the displays of each classroom’s entries into the competition! 

Ms. Wilson’s Classroom Entries

Ms. Dennehy’s Classroom Entries

Ms. Power’s Classroom Entries

Category Blog, Book Week, Class Work, Visual Arts |

3 Responses to Book Week Art Competition

  1. A great competition and really talented entries. Will was so delighted to win and with his prize, the Lewis Hamilton book, what a lovely idea.
    Well done to the photographer and blog writer too, you did learn quickly – lovely to see these.

  2. Davina Wilson says:

    Thanks Lorna, I really enjoyed putting the post together-I was taught very well!

  3. Lorna Sixsmith says:

    Ah, wasn’t sure which of you had done it. Well done, lots of fabulous photos, lovely to see all the entries as well as the winners. I have just emailed you both to say well done!
    Your comments was approved automatically so it is on that once a person’s first comment has been approved, the others will be approved automatically which is great.
    Have a lovely weekend 🙂

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