Author: Susan Power
- by Susan Power
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Magnificent May Work!
We have certainly been busy during May in 4th, 5th and 6th Class. As always the boys and girls have worked really hard and produced great work! In maths we learned all about 3D shapes and made our own 3D shapes. As well as making pyramids, prisms, cubes and cuboids some pupils made dodecahedrons which…
- by Susan Power
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Spring Cleaning at Wandesforde School!
Last Thursday we took part in a local ‘Spring Clean.’ This is organised each year by the Community School and we were delighted to take part again this year. Transition Year students came down to give us a hand. Middle Room ready for action! Senior Room Pupils in the Middle Room helped to weed…
- by Susan Power
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- by Susan Power
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Amazing April Work with 4th, 5th & 6th Class
Although we are only in school for two weeks of April we have been busy in the Senior classes! In science we looked at different water birds found in Ireland. We had fun looking at videos of gannets diving into the ocean. We also learned about Mute, Whooper and Bewick’s Swans, cormorants, oystercatchers, dunlins and herring…