Category Blog, Mathematics, Religious Education, Science, Senior Classroom, Visual Arts

Magnificent May Work!

We have certainly been busy during May in 4th, 5th and 6th Class. As always the boys and girls have worked really hard and produced great work!

In maths we learned all about 3D shapes and made our own 3D shapes. As well as making pyramids, prisms, cubes and cuboids some pupils made dodecahedrons which have 12 sides and isohedrons which have 20 sides!

In science we learned all about minibeasts. We wrote up information on lots of different minibeasts and illustrated our work.

In art we created our own minibeasts, weren’t the pupils creative?!

We also went on a minibeast hunt around the school grounds. We know that minibeasts are found on the underside of leaves, under stones, in the cracks of walls ,in leaf litter under trees and flying about in the air.



Lots of creatures were spotted and we marked them off on the sheets we had.

In science we also learned about flowers looking at the different parts of flowers and the functions of each part. We labelled flowers to show their different parts.

In art we created colourful prints using our rubber printers and stampers. We also painted tropical fish using bright metallic paints and cotton buds for the fish.






Dawn Chorus Day took place on May 18th and we learned all about the Dawn Chorus in assembly. Did you know that some birds sing very early at about 4am but some only wake at 6am to join in!

Category Blog, Mathematics, Religious Education, Science, Senior Classroom, Visual Arts |

3 Responses to Magnificent May Work!

  1. Davina says:

    Well done Senior Classes on a great month’s work! The photographs of your Minibeast Hunt are lovely! I also really like your tropical fish 🙂 Well done everybody!

  2. Susan Dennehy says:

    Great work seniors and Ms. Power! Your tropical fish are very impressive. I like your imaginary minibeasts too!

  3. Lorna says:

    Great work, love all the illustrations. We loved hearing all about the Dawn Chorus too 🙂

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