Finals of Irish Web Awards

Great news – the Wandesforde school website is in the finals of the Irish Web Awards.  It is in the ‘Best Education and Third Level website’ category and you can click here if you would like to see who we are competing against. Many thanks to Maura McDonnell who designed our website and to Susan…

Our Website is Reviewed!

Our school website here at was recently reviewed by Simon Lewis, principal of the Carlow Educate School and author of the education website. I know Simon from a blogging network and chatting to him one evening about the school site, he mentioned that he was looking for school websites to review so I…

The Bible Prize-Giving is Tuesday 22nd March at 7.30. The Funky Kids Club show is on this Friday evening 25th March at 7pm, pupils are gearing up for a great show, do come and enjoy and see a splendid show. €373 was raised at last Wednesday’s Open evening and coffee/cake sale in aid of the…