Category Blog, Middle Classroom, Special Occasions, Visual Arts

February Fun in 2nd and 3rd Class!

We have been very busy in 2nd and 3rd class over the past few weeks.  As well as completing lots of nice art and craft for Valentine’s Day, we also baked very simple (but delicious) cookies!

The children made lovely cards for their Mums and Dads!

Here are our cookies!  Each child brought a recipe home also, so they can make them with their parents!

As part of our Art lesson last week, we took a trip to the Discovery Park , to an exhibition by the students of the Community School.  We looked at their “Self-Portraits” and recognised a few faces!

As a little treat, the children had a chance to play in the playground for a short time…

Category Blog, Middle Classroom, Special Occasions, Visual Arts |

One Response to February Fun in 2nd and 3rd Class!

  1. Lorna says:

    Those cookies were scrumptious – so nice we made some more at home. It was lovely that the children had the recipe. Many thanks too for the warning not to add water as it took a while to bind it together.
    The photos of the kids on the swing is lovely – good to see they also had time for a go on the zip wire 🙂

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