Category Blog, Music, Special Occasions

Best Wishes!

On Friday, 12th October 2012, we had a special presentation to Mrs. Lanigan, our wonderful piano teacher , who has recently retired.  The children presented her with a bouquet of flowers, a gift voucher and a card, signed by the whole school.  Mrs. Lanigan has taught piano for over 30 years in the school.  We wish her the very best as she embarks on a new chapter in her life and hopes she comes back to visit us all whenever she can.  The staff enjoyed a piece of cake and coffee in the staff room at break time with Mrs.Lanigan.  Here are some lovely photos of all the children with Mrs. Lanigan….

Category Blog, Music, Special Occasions |

2 Responses to Best Wishes!

  1. Davina says:

    Best wishes to Mrs Lanigan! Thank you for all your hard work and support of children under your care. I know the staff and children will miss seeing you each week 🙂

  2. Lorna says:

    Best wishes to Mrs Lanigan on her retirement and many thanks too for teaching my two for the last couple of years (as well as hundreds of others over the years!)

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