- by Susan Peavoy
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- by Davina Wilson
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A Busy December in the Senior Room
The Senior Room have been very busy in their preparations for Christmas. Below are some photographs of all their hard work in all aspects of school life. In Religion the children designed a picture for the Postal Bible School’s Calendar Competition The children learned about the home in Gaeilge and they completed a fact file…
- by Susan Power
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All is Merry & Bright in the Junior Room!
December has been full of fun in the Junior Room. In Art and Religion we learned all about the story of The Nativity. We created these lovely scenes of Jesus who was born in a stable. We also made sparkly and bright Christmas Trees from paper plates. Our play topic was The North Pole! We…
- by Susan Peavoy
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A Merry Christmas from the Middle Room!
We have had a very busy month in 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class in Wandesforde National School. Have a look at all the wonderful things the boys and girls have been up to…. We had a visit from Niamh, a scientist with Anyone 4 Science and she talked about electricity with the children…. In English,…