Funky Kids Show

On Friday 25th March, we hosted our third Funky Kids show. Denis and Olivia from the Funky Kids Club  visited the school every Friday for ten weeks and showed the children how to make their own costumes and taught them new songs and dances. We also had Brian Cowen, Enda Kenny, Mary Harney, Jedward and…

The Bible Prize-Giving is Tuesday 22nd March at 7.30. The Funky Kids Club show is on this Friday evening 25th March at 7pm, pupils are gearing up for a great show, do come and enjoy and see a splendid show. €373 was raised at last Wednesday’s Open evening and coffee/cake sale in aid of the…

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The Old School

There is still a picture of the old school on the Castlecomer website so I thought I’d post it here for everyone to see and remember and just observe the contrast in the two buildings!  The school was initally housed in the school hall on the left, then the 2 prefabs were built in the 1960s…