Maths Trail in the Junior Classroom!

On Wednesday, 29th February, the Junior Room did a Maths Trail on car registration numbers parked inside and outside the school grounds. The children worked in pairs to identify the year, county and registration numbers of 10 cars. After much investigating, we discovered that there were more “KK” car registrations parked outside than any other registrations.  We…


Over the past 6 weeks, the children in 3rd class completed projects on various topics of their choice.  The topics covered various strands of the S.E.S.E (Social, Environmental and Scientific Education) curriculum.  On Tuesday, 28th February, the children stood in front of the whole class and presented their project to the other children.  They did…

Pancake Party in aid of the Bishop’s Appeal

The children, teachers and staff celebrated Pancake Tuesday together in the form of a Pancake Party! We have the photographs below to prove! A big thank you to Mrs Dooley for all her help in making and cooking the pancakes. Thank you to all the children and staff who helped out in any way during the…