Category Blog, Junior Classroom, Mathematics

Maths Trail in the Junior Classroom!

On Wednesday, 29th February, the Junior Room did a Maths Trail on car registration numbers parked inside and outside the school grounds.

The children worked in pairs to identify the year, county and registration numbers of 10 cars.

After much investigating, we discovered that there were more “KK” car registrations parked outside than any other registrations.  We also saw a Longford (L) registration plate as well as a Wicklow (WW) registration plate which we hadn’t expected to find!

The children worked so well together and had great fun predicting, investigating and recording numbers in our school environment!


Well done Junior Room!

Category Blog, Junior Classroom, Mathematics |

2 Responses to Maths Trail in the Junior Classroom!

  1. Lorna says:

    They all look very focused. Do you think there are some budding traffic wardens in the junior classroom? 😉

  2. Davina says:

    They love to go out and about with their worksheets and clipboards gathering information so yes I think we could have a few budding traffic wardens!!

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