Our School Tour this May!

On Friday, 25th May, the whole school will go on their annual school tour to Fethard-On-Sea in Co. Wexford! On this day the children from Junior Infants to Second Class will have a tour of Hook Lighthouse as well as an art & craft lesson inside the lighthouse while Third to Sixth Class will participate in a…

Our sponsored cycle will take place on Saturday, 9th June from 9 am onwards.  For those of you who have completed the cycle in the past few years or helped out in some way, you will know it is a great day for everyone!  There are 3 routes planned for adults for the day.  The first…


Over the past few weeks, the children in 2nd and 3rd class have been learning about the “Titanic”.  The children completed a mini-project and learned lots of interesting facts and figures about this tragedy, which happened 100 years ago.  Have a look at some of our pictures! The children learned about the various classes that…