Bishop’s Poster Competition

Well done to Kate James, Scott Neale and Amy Parkinson who all won prizes in the recent Bishop’s Poster Competition.  The theme was “Christ is the Way, Christ is the Prize”.  Well done to all who participated.  Here are the winning entries…. Kate’s picture… Scott’s picture… Amy’s picture…  Well done to all the children!  …

May Activities in 2nd & 3rd Class!

Over the past four weeks, Ms. Dawn Cobbe has been teaching the children in 2nd and 3rd class 3-4 lessons a day.  She has worked so hard and the children have thoroughly enjoyed the topics, art work, experiments and lessons covered.  Here are some photos of topics and work covered over the past few weeks……

Our School Garden!

Over the past few days, because the weather has been nice, we decided to plant our potatoes for the Summer!  The children in 2nd and 3rd Class took to the garden, tools at the ready, to plant the seed potatoes! The onions were planted a few weeks ago and are getting bigger! Let’s hope we…