Category Blog, Fundraising Activities, Middle Classroom, Senior Classroom

Cake Sale, Coffee Morning and Book Sale at Wandesforde

On Friday we held our annual Coffee Morning, Cake and Book Sale. There was a fantastic array of cakes for sale and to enjoy with a cup of tea or coffee.

The senior pupils were busy doing various jobs throughout the morning, selling cakes, greeting people as they arrived, selling books, selling raffle tickets & daffodils and working hard serving teas and coffees in the Coffee Morning!

A big thank you to everyone for your support on the day and for all the delicious food which was baked!

We raised a total of €810 which as always goes towards funding the school tour for the children.

Category Blog, Fundraising Activities, Middle Classroom, Senior Classroom |

4 Responses to Cake Sale, Coffee Morning and Book Sale at Wandesforde

  1. Jackie Neale says:

    It was a great day with lovely buns and biscuits!!!! Well done every one!!!

  2. Susan Peavoy says:

    Well done to all the children in 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th and all the teachers and staff who helped out to make it possible! What a great result. Thanks to everyone who supported it in any way. Have a great Easter!

  3. Davina Wilson says:

    Well done to all the pupils, staff and teachers on another very successful Coffee Morning, Cake and Book Sale! The tray bakes and treats were delicious so thank you to all the parents who baked or contributed in any way. The money raised will once again go towards the cost of the children’s school tour to Dunmore East Adventure Centre in May 🙂

  4. Lorna says:

    I read this on my phone and meant to go back to comment. That was an amazing total, well done all. As always, the children were so well behaved, organised and helpful and of course, the baking was yummy too.

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