Category Blog, Class Work, Green Flag, Middle Classroom

Wonderful Vegetable Soup!

On Tuesday, 13th September, the whole school went out to the garden to pick the vegetables that have been growing over the Summer for our soup.  We picked parsnip, turnip, potatoes and even had some lettuce, though not in the soup!  As you can see from the photos, we had a nice amount of vegetables.  Thank you so much to Mrs. Dooley, who very kindly made the soup for the whole school on Thursday.  We also had some lovely fresh brown bread with our soup. Delicious!!!!


Category Blog, Class Work, Green Flag, Middle Classroom |

2 Responses to Wonderful Vegetable Soup!

  1. Fabulous photos, and yes, they came up yesterday telling me how nice the soup was. Coincidentally, I had made soup yesterday too – I didn’t ask whose was the nicest!!
    And I see from the photo in the sidebar that my beautiful daughter is one of the stars of the week this week, she’ll be delighted with that 🙂

  2. Davina says:

    Thank you Mrs Dooley for making delicious soup with our school vegetables. The Junior Classroom really enjoyed the treat!

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