Category Blog, Class Work, Junior Classroom, Middle Classroom, Our Work on Display, Special Occasions, SPHE

Wandesforde is a Health Promoting School!

On Friday, 22nd May, we held our very first Health Promoting School Breakfast in Wandesforde National School!  This initiative promotes the health and well-being of pupils and staff in the shool.  The Health Promoting School committee consists of 9 pupils from Junior Infants to 6th Class, 1 teacher and 2 parents.  One of our ideas at our first meeting was to hold a breakfast morning in school.  This plan came to fruition last Friday when we all sat down to a very healthy breakfast of granola, fruit kebabs, sugar-free pancakes, porridge, smoothies and orange juice.  The children came to school hungry but were soon satisified with this fabulous range of healthy foods.  Thank you to all the children,  teachers, staff and to the parents Olga and Jackie for their help on the morning.  We hope to do this once a term in the future!  Have a look at some photos from the morning!

Category Blog, Class Work, Junior Classroom, Middle Classroom, Our Work on Display, Special Occasions, SPHE |

2 Responses to Wandesforde is a Health Promoting School!

  1. Bob Murphy says:

    How amazing. Looks great.

  2. Olga says:

    Was a fab morning. Kids loved it and was great to see them all eating big healthy breakfast:)

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