Spring in the Senior Room!
During Spring, the Senior Classroom were busy with many seasonal and school activities. They learned how to weave and made some lovely “Woven Hearts” for Valentine’s Day!

As well as this, they made some God’s Eyes using craft sticks and wool.

Ireland was a topic explored in preparation for St. Patrick’s Day in SESE, Religion & Art.

The children enjoyed learning about Coordinate Geometry in Maths. They created their own Spring pictures by following the coordinates given.

The school had a Dress Up in Green Day for the people of Ukraine and in preparation for this, the children learned about their country and their culture in SESE.

They also learned about the Water Cycle and how important water is in our lives.

Funky Kids has been a great experience for the whole school this term. The children have been making their costumes, singing & performing their songs and taking part in some fun drama activities with Denis & Olivia each week.

Well done to all the children on a great performance at the Funky Kids Show. You were all stars on the stage and you did a fantastic show!

Mothering Sunday was also celebrated during Spring. We made some beautiful flower bouquets to thank all the people who mother us in our lives.

In Gaeilge, the children made some very creative posters of adjectives (aidiachtaí)

They also enjoyed playing Biongó to help them learn their numbers in Irish.

Book Week was also another successful event in our school this term. The children designed their own book covers for our We Are Writers Book. Didn’t they do a great job!

In Art, the children engaged in a Still Life Drawing activity and drew some beautiful daffodils in a jug. They worked on the elements of tone and texture in creating their drawings.

The children participated in the Bishop’s Easter Poster Competition in Religion. This year’s theme is HOPE and the children brought their ideas to life in their work below 🙂

In the lead up to the Easter Holidays, the children did a Spring Eggbox Scavenger Hunt in the Discovery Park.

Walking across the new footbridge in Castlecomer!

Easter Eggsperiments were also carried out in Science. We did experiments to find out if an egg is fresh or stale. Did you know that a stale egg will float in water whereas a fresh egg will sink in water.

We also found out how to work out if an egg is raw or hard boiled by spinning it. A hard boiled egg will move in a smooth spinning motion whereas a raw egg will tend to wobble!!

We also explored how to make a fresh egg float. We did this by adding some salt to the water which increases the density of the water resulting in a floating egg!!

One eggsperiment we all really enjoyed was the egg in the bottle! Believe if or not the egg does go into the bottle once a small piece of lit paper is put into the bottle!! This happens because when the match goes out and cools down it causes lower pressure inside the bottle. The air pressure outside the bottle is higher resulting in the egg being pushed down into the bottle!!

Finally, we worked with clay in Art and made our own egg shaped bowls some of which we turned into chicks!

Well done to the Senior Classroom on all their achievements this term. Enjoy your well deserved break and have a very Happy Easter!