September Fun in the Senior Room

We have all settled back into school and completed lots of work in different subjects this month. The pupils wrote great accounts of their summer holidays and reading them it certainly seems everyone enjoyed a lovely break in July and August!

In art we studied the artist Vincent Van Gogh and painted our own versions of his picture ‘Starry Night’

In history we have been learning all about Greek Legends. The boys and girls read different legends such as Theseus and the Minotaur, Pandora’s Box, Icarus and Orpheus and Eurydice. They wrote accounts of these legends which you can see here.

We also drew and  painted our favourite Greek Gods.

In Gaeilge we have been learning lots about the topic of ‘Mé Féin’ and 5th and 6th class wrote all about themselves in Irish, showing all they have learned.

SPHE this month included learning all about fire safety and in pairs we created these fire safety posters showing the dangers associated with fire and safety precautions.

In English 4th class read the poem ‘Autumn Time’ and created storyboards to show what happened in each verse.

The pupils also wrote acrostic poems using words associated with autumn.

4 thoughts on “September Fun in the Senior Room

  1. Great work Seniors and Ms. Power. Your “Starry Night” paintings in the hall were very impressive! Well done:)

  2. Well done Senior Room on a great month’s work. Your Greek Gods are very impressive! 🙂

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