Category Blog, English, Physical Education, Senior Classroom, SPHE, Visual Arts

A Super September in the Senior Room!

September has been a busy and enjoyable month in the senior room. We have been learning lots of new and interesting things in all subjects.

In art we used oil pastels to colour our names, covered them in black paint and then etched interesting designs and patterns on them!

We also created these colourful Celtic designs.


In English we wrote autumn themed acrostic poems. Each class has a different word to use for their poem. We also went on an autumn nature walk in PE to the Discovery Park. 4th and 5th class had to spot different plants and 6th class went on a scavenger hunt!

In SPHE we looked at different forms of advertising. We looked in detail at print ads from magazines and answered questions about them and we also discussed television advertising and wrote about it.


Category Blog, English, Physical Education, Senior Classroom, SPHE, Visual Arts |

4 Responses to A Super September in the Senior Room!

  1. Susan Dennehy says:

    Great work Seniors and Ms.Power! I really like your names with the designs etched onto them. Your Autumn poems are lovely too!

  2. Davina says:

    Lovely work Senior Room-I particularly like your Autumn Acrostic Poems. Keep up the great work 🙂

  3. Marta says:

    I would like to thank everybody at school, specially Ms. Power, for welcoming Beltran again! He has had a lovely time and enjoyed his stay there very much!
    Thank you very much!! 🙂

  4. Lorna says:

    Looking forward to seeing them when in for parent-teacher meeting next week. It all looks great.

    I know you were all to go to Castlecomer woods today and thinking of you all as it is lashing rain here!

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