Category Blog, Class Work, English, Middle Classroom, Our Work on Display, Science, Special Occasions, SPHE

School’s Out for Summer!

May and June have been jam-packed with lots of exciting things happening in 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class!

After our school tour to Ferrycarrig, the children wrote wonderful reports about their experiences on the day…

We recently finished reading “Charlotte’s Web” in class.  The children thoroughly enjoyed this book and wrote a book report on it.  Many scored it 10 out of 10!  On a Friday afternoon, we watched the dvd.  Most agreed that the book was better!

To celebrate Fathers’ Day, the children made cards and paperweights.  We hope all you Dads had a well-deserved rest!

As we are in Summer, we have been focusing on “Healthy Living”.  The children in 1st and 2nd Class drew pictures to promote a healthy lifestyle…

We were very lucky to have chef Caitriona Bolger visit our school on Monday, 16th June to make hummus with us.  Everybody tried some with some home-made bread and some crudites , which is another word for raw vegetables!  Thank you Caitriona for a lovely healthy, cooking lesson!

Have a great Summer everybody!



Category Blog, Class Work, English, Middle Classroom, Our Work on Display, Science, Special Occasions, SPHE |

One Response to School’s Out for Summer!

  1. Lorna says:

    The cooking was a great idea – well done.

    I loved Charlotte’s Web too, one of my favourite childhood books and yes, the book is always better isn’t it?

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