Category Blog, Class Work, Fundraising Activities, Junior Classroom, Middle Classroom, Senior Classroom

Pancake Tuesday at Wandesforde!

Today was Shrove Tuesday and we all enjoyed some delicious pancakes to celebrate.

Thanks to 5th and 6th class for all their help serving the pancakes and toppings as well as washing and tidying up! Also to our chef Mrs Dooley, the pancakes were delicious, thank you!!

Category Blog, Class Work, Fundraising Activities, Junior Classroom, Middle Classroom, Senior Classroom |

4 Responses to Pancake Tuesday at Wandesforde!

  1. Mrs Dooley had a very busy morning!

  2. They look scrumptious – it’s a lovely annual tradition now for all the kids.

  3. Susan Peavoy says:

    Thank you Mrs. Dooley, Ms. Power and all the fantastic helpers in the senior room for the delicious pancakes! 1st, 2nd and 3rd class thoroughly enjoyed the pancake party:)

  4. Davina Wilson says:

    A Big Thank You to Mrs. Dooley, Ms. Power and 5th and 6th Class for another great Pancake Party! The pancakes were delicious and the Junior Classroom really enjoyed the experience of dining out in our very own little restaurant!

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