Category Blog, Class Work, English, Junior Classroom, Local Visits, Middle Classroom

Our Library Visit

On Friday, 19th October, the Junior Classroom and the Middle Classroom visited Castlecomer Library together. The children really enjoyed browsing through the lovely books and choosing their own books to bring back to their classroom libraries.

Take a look at their time together at the library!

Junior & Senior Infants!

1st, 2nd & 3rd Classes!

We look forward to reading our library books back at school as part of all our efforts for the MS Readathon!


Category Blog, Class Work, English, Junior Classroom, Local Visits, Middle Classroom |

2 Responses to Our Library Visit

  1. Lorna says:

    The Readathon is a great idea – wish I had an excuse to read more books this month 🙂
    Many congrats too on reaching the finalist stages of the Irish Web Awards (and being shortlisted in the blog awards). I see Maura has put the badges on the left sidebar. Well done to all.
    I also meant to say that my two are going to the coderdojo a few weeks now (and so are the O’Neill’s) and really enjoying it (Saturday mornings in Carlow) so if any parents want to ask us about it, please do.

  2. Susan Dennehy says:

    Thanks for the lovely blog post Ms. Wilson. My class really enjoyed the trip down to the library and the photos are really lovely!

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